Just This Once You Should Look To Fail
If you want to make a change in your life, there's only one way to do so.
If you were to go for a hike on the local trails, how'd you get started?
How about losing some weight, get in better shape and become healthier?
What's the first thing you'd do?
How about wanting to make more money?
Would you get a new job, pick up additional shifts at your existing one, or start a business?
In every example you're making a trade-off.
You're making a trade-off of something, it may be time, or money, for the idea that there's a payoff at the end. You're giving up something in order to receive some type of reward.
If you were to make a lifestyle change, such as living healthier or making more money, how would you get started?
What's the first thing you'd do?
No matter what expert habit you hope to develop, no matter what new skill you want to master, and what change you wish to see in your life, there's no fool-proof method.
Regardless of what you want to accomplish, or wish to change, there's only one way to get it accomplished.
Get started.
There's only one way to be successful.
To get started.
Will you fail?
Will you learn?
What you do with your experience(s) after you learn is up to you.
When asked how he persevered to develop the light bulb after almost 10,000 different versions failed, Edison is quoted as saying
"I didn't fail. I just found 10,000 ways that won't work."If you want to make an effective change in your life, you need to act.
It's only through action that we learn, and through the trials and errors that we experience, is how we succeed or fail.
Another American innovator Henry Ford is quoted as saying, "whether you think you can, or cannot, you're right."
It won't be easy. It probably won't happen when you need it to, but if you try, fail and learn, you're further along than if you didn't get started in the first place.
In other words, the only way you can develop expert habits in your life is to fail at developing them.
But it's by failing that you learn what doesn't work and puts you one step closer to finding what does.
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