How To Find The Energy To Pursue Your Goals Even When You're Exhausted
There are days when life seems to conspire against you.
For me, today is one of those days.
It's 11:30 pm, the end of the day for most of us, me included.
The dog and cat are sleeping, as is my girlfriend.
All my friends are either asleep or out doing something fun - but if they are, eff'em for not inviting me.
I haven't gotten around to writing today's post. I didn't have time.
There were phone calls to make, meetings to schedule, plans to make, take care of the dog and on top of that, there was work to be done.
I could complain, but everyone has things that are going to be obstacles in their way. It wouldn't mean much to any of you if I did.
The point is, once you set a goal, the best way to achieve it is in pieces.
Look, everyone has the same amount of minutes and hours in a day. Nobody gets extra credit for their day.
The thing to understand then, is that there will always be obstacles. There will always be challenges that you need to find a way to overcome.
What defines your opportunity at success then, is how you handle the obstacles, the challenges, the limitations that will undoubtedly be placed in front of you.
The key to success then is that unless you have unlimited amount of time for a particular project, you need to set aside time in small blocks. Use the concept of prioritization to set the most important tasks you need to accomplish in front of the ones that are of lessor importance.
Once you've prioritized the order at which you need to work on them, break each task into even smaller portions and work on those, one at a time.
Even with a demanding day, if you prioritize your tasks into order of importance, then break them down into small porting that can easily be finished, you'll get more done in less time.
Finally, if something is on deadline but not the most important task, find small minutes you can steal throughout the day to devote time and mental energy toward.
Like this post, I spent the day working on things that I needed to do before getting around to writing it. But I was thinking about the topic, how to approach it, and what tone and POV to write it in. And that was so that once I could type it out, I had a general idea of what to say.
It's now 11:48 and I have 12 minutes to spare to get this published to accomplish my goal of 31 posts in 31 days without interruption.
Sometimes goal setting is just as tough as everything else.
The follow through is even harder if you don't learn how to manage the obstacles along the way.
(published at 11:53pm)
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